
I'm New Here

Loving God. Loving others.

Worship Service

Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 AM

Worship Service at 11:00 AM

Where We Are

145 Younger Drive, Madison Heights, VA 24572

Online Community

Feel free to reach out through one of our contact forms, or find us on Facebook by clicking HERE .

What To Expect

Expository Preaching

Each Sunday we preach through books of the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

Blended Music

We strive to have a blended service, consisting of traditional and contemporary music.

What We Believe

Mission & Purpose


Elon Baptist Church's purpose is to bring people to Jesus and membership in His church, to teach them God's Word so they come to a Christ-like maturity, to equip church members for their ministries in the church, to send members into the community and world (missions) to reach others for Christ, and to magnify the name of God in worship.


Core Values


1. Magnify - We celebrate God's presence in Worship

2. Mission - We communicate God's Word through Evangelism

3. Membership - We incorporatE God's family into our Fellowship

4. Maturity - We educate God's people through Discipleship

5. Ministry - We demonstrate God's love through Service


Statement of Faith


The Baptist Faith & Message serves as our statement of faith and can be accessed here.